The Divinatory Method



When a Fairy (or a human being) wants to question Tarots, he has to know that he is going to make a magical act.  Even if for naïve and thoughtless creature like Fairies, it is very difficult to take anything seriously, they know that it is no joke to consult Tarots.


當小妖精 (或是人類) 想要向 Tarots 提出問題, 他必須了解他正在進行一項魔法儀式.即使像是小妖精這種很難對一切認真起來的率性自然生物, 他們都知道不該抱著開玩笑的心態來向 Tarots 請求諮詢.


Therefore, the necessary preparation to the reading mustn’t be taken thoughtlessly. Anyone wanting to learn to read and to interpret Tarots must learn well the meaning of Major and Minor Arcana, remembering that every card has many meanings and thus one has to be very sensitive to give a proper reading.


因此, 不應輕忽在解讀牌意之前所需的準備.每個想要學會解讀 Tarots 的人都必須認真學習大秘儀與小秘儀的意義, 並且記得每張卡片都有各自許多不同的意涵. 如此一來, 那人必須能非常敏銳地給出一個合宜的解譯.


It is important to consider the position of Tarots on the table, if they are in the right direction or upside down and so on: all these elements concur to give a correct interpretation of cards.


思考這套 Tarots 卡片在桌面上的位置是非常重要的. 如果它們是正立方向或是由上而下, 這意謂著:所有的組成元素都贊同對這張卡片的正確詮釋.


It is also possible to have different reading keys. The Great Magician studied long the Tarots of the Gnomes and learned that there were many different combination to arrange the cards; every different combination gave information on different subjects: the present, the past, the future, love, business and so on. Those combination were called reading keys and were different according to each question the Consultant asked.


當然, 也可能有不一樣的解讀方式.這位偉大的魔法師長期鑽研地精們的 Tarots 系統並且學到這些卡片可以有許多種不同的排列組合.每一種不同的排列組合都能針對不同的主題提供訊息: 現在, 過去, 未來, 愛情, 工作和其它.這些排列組合的方式也被視為解譯的關鍵, 依詢問者所問的問題而有所不同.



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