The Fairy Tarot



Fairies are teasing, magical creatures who live in the woods. Gifted with wings and with an incredible agility, these tiny little spirits endow the forest with life, thanks to their jokes and to their innate euphoria.  In fact, unlike their cousins, the Gnomes, Fairies like neither work nor seriousness.  Their principal characteristics is curiosity and cheerfulness and their greatest amusement is flying about the open, joking about with animals and with their calmer cousins.  Rarely the victims of the Fairies succeed to catch and to punish those little tricksters, since they are particularly clever.


住在林木間的小妖精是一群生性喜歡嘻鬧的魔法生物. 感謝他們詼諧與歡愉的天性, 這些被賦予翅膀與不可思議敏捷的小精靈讓森林有了生命. 事實上, 這群小妖精們並不像他們的地精親戚, 因為他們既不執著於工作, 也很難保持嚴肅. 他們主要的特質就是好奇與爽朗. 而他們最大的娛樂就是在開放空間飛來飛去, 並且開開小動物和他們那些冷靜親友的玩笑. 小妖精的受害者們則鮮少能夠成功捉住並懲罰這群小淘氣, 因為他們總是特別狡黠.


In spite of their undisciplined nature, Fairies have an Emperor who, helped by his consort, spends his time trying to make himself obeyed by his chaotic subjects.  Fairies, impatient and little inclined to stud, never succeeded in creating either a system of laws or stabile government to enforce it.


儘管他們天性難以規範, 小妖精們的國王在皇后的協助下, 花了許多時間去嘗試讓他那些毫無秩序的臣民們接受他的治理. 只是, 這些不耐煩又略有過動傾向的小妖精們始終未能成功建立出一套法律制度或是施行穩定的政局.


That’s why the Great Magician of the Enchanted Realm – that’s how Fairies call the woods – went to the court of the imperial couple with a proposal.  During his travels he met Sichen, the greatest wizard of the people of the Gnomes, who told him about the magical card known as Tarots.  Tarots were created by Sichen in remembrance of this marvelous experience and as a tool to probe the mysteries of the future.  These 78 cards described, through beautiful images, many aspects of the life of the Gnomes, lavishing advices and suggesting right nd appropriate way of acting.


這就是為什麼在被小妖精稱為魔幻王國的森林裡的那位大魔術師會向王室提出建議. 在他的旅途中, 他遇見了 Sichen 這個地精裡最偉大的巫師, 而後者曾告訴他關於 Tarots 這套魔法卡片的事. Tarots 卡片是 Sichen為了紀念他奇妙且不可思議的經驗而創建出一套用來探索未來奧秘的工具. 78 張卡片透過美麗的圖象來描述地精生活的許多層面, 並且不吝給予忠告與正確合適的行動方針.


The Magician’s proposal was to create a similar system for the Fairies: their natural curiosity and their love for beautiful things would have helped the people to memorize the images and also to reflect on their meaning, thus instilling some rules in their mind.


魔術師的建議是替小妖精們建立一套類似的系統. 因為他們好奇天性與對美好事物的喜愛將會幫助他們記住這些圖像並與其代表的意義做出闗聯, 從而將一些規範逐漸灌輸到他們的心靈裡.


The sovereigns approved with enthusiasm and the Magician started immediately to work, calling the best artists of he Enchanted realm. The work needed many years, but in the end the outcome was better than the expectations: besides depicting all the mot important figures of the Fairy trandition, the Magician succeeded in giving the cards the power to join and to form magical combinations, giving advice and warnings for any occasion.


國王熱切地准許這位魔法師立即著手執行這項工作, 並詔請魔幻王國裡最棒的藝術家. 雖然這項工作要花費許多年的時光, 然而其結果卻超乎想像地好: 除了形塑出小妖精所有重要傳統的容貌, 魔法師還成功地替這些卡片連結並形成神奇的力量, 讓它們可以針對任何場合提出忠告或是警語.


In fact these cards, when consulted, arranged themselves in order to create a story with their images, a story in which the Consultant could see his problems and possible solutions.


事實上, 在這套卡片會在被諮詢時重新排序, 好讓它們的圖像形成一個故事, 一個可以讓詢問者從中發覺自己問題與可行解答的故事.


Every Fairy of the Realm was invited to the greate party for the new temple of the Tarots, a building in which the magical cards were kept and where every Fairy could go for a response.


每一個魔幻王國裡的小妖精都被邀請來參加這個 Tarots 新聖殿的宴會, 這套神奇的卡片會被保存在該建築裡, 並且讓每位小妖精都能前往尋求回應解惑.


The Magician’s predictions were correct: everyone memorized immediately the images and the meanings of the cards, both inspired to old traditions and customs. Now the Fairy society had its own unity and identity. Fairies also discovered a new treasure: the magical Tarots.


魔法師的預言是正確的: 大家都立刻記住了這些卡片上的圖像和意義, 連帶也對古老的傳統與風俗有所啟示. 現在, 小妖精社群擁有它們自己的共同性與獨特性. 小妖精們也發現了一個新的寶藏: 神奇的 Tarots.



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