The Minor Arcana (Acorns Suit)
小秘儀 (橡實牌組)
This sign of this suit is the basis of the winter diet of Fairies. The choice of such a sign depends on he fact that this suit deals with difficulties and hard moments and gives suggestions to overcome them.
這組卡片的符號來自小妖精們冬天主要的食糧. 之所以選擇這個標誌乃取決於這組卡片是用來處理困境與艱難時刻並給予建議來克服難題的事實.
After the rigors of winter, nature wakes up and its rebirth starts; this card foretells the first success after a hardest period.
在嚴酷的寒冬之後, 大自然便會開始復甦新生. 這張卡片預告了歷經艱困時期後的第一次成功.
During winter, some Fairies suffer from a strange melancholy, that often brings them to a total inactivity and parts them from the rest of their community. This card is the symbol of delay and of suspension of any activity.
在寒冬時, 有些小妖精們會經歷一段奇特的憂鬱. 那常常使他們懶於活動並且與社群疏離. 這張卡片表示延遲和暫時停止活動的意思.
When a region of the wood becomes untenable it is necessary to move; this card represents the need for moving.
當某塊林地變得難以維生時, 就必須進行遷移. 這張卡片代表需要開始改變.
Often Fairies look for allies during their quarrels. This card stands for enemy having a privileged position.
小妖精們常在爭吵時尋找各自支持的盟友. 這張卡片說明敵人正佔了上風.
Rarely controversies among Fairies end in fight, but when this happens, the fight becomes violent and it needs a winner. This card foretells a victory.
小妖精們的爭執極少會以打架做為結束. 一旦它發生了, 這場戰鬥會變得十分兇暴. 而且終究會產生一個勝利者. 這張卡片預告了一場勝利.
The most difficult struggle among Fairies is love. This card is a metaphor for any hard competition, and for any irksome task.
對小妖精們來說, 最艱難的挑戰莫過於愛情. 這張卡片可以暗喻任何困難的競爭以及令人厭恨的苦差事.
Living in touch with the beauties of nature is the highest inspiration of every Fairy. This is the card of rest, of fertility and of a good unwaited occasion.
在大自然的美景裡生活是最能鼓舞小妖精的事了. 這是一張代表著安寧富饒的卡片, 也可以說是一個稍縱即逝的好時機.
This card represents the long wait that foreshadows the beginning of a new activity, the spirit of enterprise that awaits for encouraging news.
這張卡片代表一段長期的等待, 那預告了一項新活動的開始. 或是等待好消息鼓舞才又重啟冒險進取的精神.
Even the thoughtless people of Fairies can feel uncertain and feel the need to meditate, now and then, one their abilities, thought this can mean unfortunate mishap.
即使是欠缺思慮的小妖精們, 也會感受到一些不確定因素而覺得需要好好思考一番. 有時候, 他們會想, 這就代表著某種不幸的災難吧!
Acorn is the symbol of the spirit of enterprise and of creativity and of the beginning of undertaking.
橡實可以拿來代表積極進取的精神以及創造力, 甚至是某種事業的開端.